Minggu, 13 Mei 2012

Body Weight Workouts - Series 2, Week 1, Day 7

3 Rounds, 10 Reps of:
Sweat Angels, Suspension Trainer
Suspension Push-Ups (as per ring push-ups)
Overhead Triceps Extension, Suspension Trainer

"Sweat Angel" - using a suspension trainer (TRX, etc), hold yourself at an outward angle, where your feet are behind your shoulders. With your arms fully extended above you (and holding onto the ST), slowly bring your arms around and down to your waist in a motion similar to that of making a SNOW ANGEL (hence the name). Be aware this exercise takes a tremendous amount of upper body strength and you may need to rock back on your heels a bit to get the reps completed at first.

32 Intervals, 20s On, 10s Off

Post total reps to comments.

Derived from CrossFit.com 14 MAY 2012

2 Rounds
50' Spiderman Lunge
60s Squat Bridge
60s Cobra Pose

Overhead Triceps Extension

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