Minggu, 26 Februari 2012

Body Weight Workouts - Series 1, Week 1, Day 1

Welcome to the SVG FIT Body Weight Workout Program!

This is the first workout is to establish a baseline for your progression over the course of the next 6 weeks! Record the results and keep it for the end of the 6 weeks! Re-take this assessment and see how far you've come in that short time with our awesome circuit training!

10 Minutes, Mobility Work

Body Weight Fitness Test:
Max Reps, 2 minutes - Push-Up
Max Reps, 2 minutes - Sit-Up
Max Time, Plank
Max Time, 1 Mile Run

Take no more than 3 minutes between each exercise.

10 Minutes, Suicide Sprints
10m increments over 30m course.

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