Jumat, 15 Februari 2013

Treadmill Types And Price

treadmill is a device for walking or running while staying in the same place. Treadmills were introduced before the development of powered machines, to harness the power of animals or humans to do work, often a type of mill that was operated by a person or animal treading steps of a treadwheel to grind grain. In later times treadmills were used as punishment devices for people sentenced to hard labour in prisons.
The terms treadmill and treadwheel were used interchangeably for the power and punishment mechanisms.

  • The first was to have a horizontal bar jutting out of a vertical shaft. It rotated around a vertical axis, driven by an ox or other animal walking in a circle pushing the bar. Even humans were used to power them.
  • The second design was a vertical wheel that was powered through climbing in place instead of walking in circles. This is similar to what we know today as the hamster wheel.
  • The third design also required climbing but used a sloped, moving platform instead.
  • Treadmill desk
  •   Anti-Gravity Treadmill
  • Omnidirectional treadmill

Treadmill desk

treadmill desk or treadmill workstation is a working desk built around a treadmill.

 A person using the treadmill desk walks slowly on the treadmill while continuing to perform office tasks at the desk. The aim of a treadmill desk is to integrate movement and gentle exercise into the working day of an otherwise sedentary office worker. Rather than sitting all day in a chair, a treadmill desk allows desk-based workers to stand and take a slow walk while working. At slower walking speeds, most able-bodied people can undertake desk-based tasks such as typing or talking on the telephone.

There are several types of treadmill desks available on the open market.
Some incorporate a traditional treadmill with a desktop built over it, while most are now commercially built for this specific use.
The price of treadmill desks can vary from prices of US$500-$4,500

A treadmill desk is not typically used for a cardio workout, as most users find walking at a speed of 1-2 miles per hour the ideal range. If sitting computer-time were replaced by walking-and-working, energy expenditure could increase by 100 cal/h. Thus, if obese individuals were to replace time spent sitting at the computer with walking computer time by 2–3 h/day, and if other components of energy balance were constant, a weight loss of 20–30 kg/year could occur.

 An Anti-Gravity Treadmill is a rehabilitation device that utilizes adjustable weight-bearing technology on a standard treadmill used primarily for rehabilitation of lower extremity injuries and athletic training. The Anti-Gravity Treadmill can accommodate users weighing 85 lbs-400 lbs and heights 4'6-6'8. In addition, the treadmill can be used by people of all ages.

APPLICATION OF Anti-Gravity Treadmill
The Anti-Gravity Treadmill has a broad range of applications for a variety of clinical conditions. What makes the Anti-Gravity Treadmill unique is its ability to be used by a wide array of populations including elite athletes in their training, senior citizens in their conditioning, and both neurologic and orthopedic patients in their recovery programs.

The following populations have seen benefits from using the Anti-Gravity Treadmill:
Orthopedic — The precise progressive loading capabilities of the differential air pressure technology (DAP) allows users to protect healing tissue after an injury or surgery, while encouraging normal walking mechanics. The results are less guarding from pain/inflammation, faster return of Range of Motion (ROM), and the ability to strengthen muscles safer in closed-kinetic chain activities.

Neurologic — The comfortable support of the user inside the Anti-Gravity Treadmill allows for longer treatment sessions, so patients can practice standing, balance exercises, or walking longer. Longer sessions equates to more practice and greater opportunity for motor learning. Conditions treated include cerebellar atrophy and Cerebrovascular Accident / THA.

Geriatric — Quickly being adopted by leading skilled nursing facilities, the Anti-Gravity Treadmill provides a fall-safe environment for patients needing to rehabilitate or maintain wellness. Body weight support through air pressure also provides a much gentler, controlled environment for senior patients to recover in.

Sports Performance — Decreasing impact loads with the DAP technology of the Anti-Gravity Treadmill, athletes are able to increase training volume while avoiding injury. The ability to preserve normal walking and running mechanics has elevated popularity of this NASA-based technology over other comparative body weight support methods.

Bariatric — The Anti-Gravity Treadmill provides a motivational tool for overweight users by giving them the feeling of what it would be to achieve their target body weight. With less stress to their lower body, these users encounter less pain, enabling greater success with exercise in their weight management programs. People are able to work out safer and longer in the Anti-Gravity Treadmill by adjusting impact during their walking/running.

An omnidirectional treadmill, or ODT, is a device that allows a person to perform locomotive motion in any direction. The ability to move in any direction is how these treadmills differ from their basic counterparts (that permit only unidirectional locomotion. Omnidirectional treadmills are employed in immersive virtual environment implementations to allow unencumbered movement within the virtual space through user self-motion.

Advantages to pairing an ODT with an immersive virtual environment include:
  • Natural navigational movement of the system user within the enclosure while still providing contextcues which simulate physical traversal through the virtual terrain
  • Reverting immersive navigation tasks from hand-based (mouse, joystick) to mentally hard-wired whole body (leg) based
  • Enhancing immersion by providing a whole-body experience that begins at the soles of the feet and ends at the top of the head
  • Facilitating whole-body haptic interaction
When it comes to working out in the comfort of your own residence, what is the best treadmill for home use? With all of the brands and models out there, how is a health enthusiast supposed to choose? Putting it all into perspective, there are only two machines that can go head to head when it comes to being the best home treadmill the Bowflex Series 7 Treadmill and the Sole F80 Treadmill.

 Bowflex Series 7: Best Treadmill for Home?

For a lot of users, the Bowflex Series 7 is a top-rated machine. This is because it can provide you with an intense cardio workout with its large running surface of 20 by 60 inch belt one of the largest if not the largest. And most running enthusiasts love the machine what with its raw power and several different workout programs they can choose from. Striving to be the best home treadmill for running, it provides you with convenience by it easily folding up. And having the home runner on their mind, its designed to have two bottle holders. So whether you are a beginner who is just looking to get fit, or a seasoned runner who is looking for some challenge or a way to stay strong and fit, the Bowflex Series 7 Treadmill is for you as you can customize your workout pace and program.

  • 3.0 continuous-duty horsepower motor
  • Speed range of 0.5-11 miles per hour/0.8-17.7 kilometers per hour
  • Incline range of 0-12%
  • Quick incline and quick-speed keys
  • 15 workout programs
  • Grip and telemetric heart rate monitors
  • Skylight backlit LCD computer display
  • Built-in three-speed fan
It keeps the runners safety in mind by featuring a 3 second countdown before the belt starts to move, and a 6-8 second slow build to full speed. Enjoy using it during workout with an integrated sound system for listening to either your iPod or your MP3 player.

  • 3.0 continuous duty horsepower motor
  • Speed range of 0.5-11 miles per hour
  • Maximum incline of 15%
  • Whisper quiet with its Cushion Flex shock absorption
  • Vibrant backlit blue 7.5-inch LCD display
  • Heart rate control
  • Cooling fans
  • 2 user defined programs

The Schinn 240 exercise bike is a good way for you to get the cardio exercise you need, strengthening your heart and your respiratory system aside from simply burning away fat effectively. Besides these things, Schinn 240 recumbent bike benefits extend to comfort and safety because ample back support is provided by the Schinn 240 recumbent exercise bike design, alongside taking pressure off of problem areas such as knee joints and the lower back.

But while you’re in a very comfortable position, a recumbent exercise bike still packs quite a workout so you get the most out of your exercise. Some people also like the fact that a recumbent exercise bike frees the use of your arms and hands so you can do upper body exercises with free weights while you’re enjoying a thorough cardio burn, making for a more effective and efficient session because you are getting more done.

  • Enable the user to set up an exercise regime that can be adhered to irrespective of the weather.
  • Cushioned tread can provide slightly lower impact training than running on outdoor surfaces. Although cushioned belts have mostly been deprecated out of use and cushioned replacement belts may be hard to find, many treadmills have rubber or urethane deck elastomers (cushions) which are superior in cushioning and last longer than cushioned belts. 
  • There were for a time banana shaped flexible decks that were among the very best as far as cushioning that were priced at a midrange level, but currently these are not being sold, perhaps because of the increased manufacturing cost of making the flexible deck. Cushioned belts also don't last as long as regular belts due to their construction out of weaker materials. For calorie burning, incline can be used to significantly reduce impact for a given rate of energy use.
  • Incline setting can allow for consistent "uphill" training that is not possible when relying on natural features.
  • Rate settings force a consistent pace.
  • Some treadmills have programmes such that the user can simulate terrains, e.g. rolling hills, to provide accurate, programmed, exercise periods.
  • The user can watch TV whilst using the machine thus preventing TV from being a sedentary activity.
  • User progress such as distance, calories burned, and heart rate can be tracked.

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