Senin, 30 September 2013

Tuesday 1 October 2013: ANIMAL CONDITIONING


Today's workout mimics various animal movements to facilitate cardio-strength conditioning.
  • 30/30's - 30 seconds work, 30 seconds rest, repeat
  • 15/45's - 15 seconds work, 45 seconds rest, repeat
  • 5 x 30/30 Tiger Prowl (3x forward, 2x backward)
    (Bend forward to walk on your hands and feet as in a Bear Crawl. Bend your arms to ninety degrees and lower your body so that it hovers 3-6 inches above the ground. Walk in this position keeping your body low.)
  • 5 x 30/30 Crab Crawl (3x forward, 2x backward)
    (Sit on the ground with your feet on the ground, knees bent, and your palms on the ground resting slightly behind your hips. Lift your pelvis so that your bodyweight is supported on your hands and feet. Walk on your hands and feet with your stomach pointed toward the sky.)
  • 5 x 30/30 Kangaroo Jumps
    (Perform a Half-Squat. From the crounched position, swing your arms and leap forward with both feet. Continue for reps.)
  • 5 x 15/45 Sprints
    (Okay, so this isn't exactly an animal movement. Pretend like you're sprinting for your life away from the Tigers, Bears, Crabs, and Kangaroos you have been imitating.)
Intermediate and Basic:
  • 5 x 30/30 Bear Crawl (3x forward, 2x backward)
    (Bend forward and walk on your hands and feet.)
  • 5 x 30/30 Crab Crawl (3x forward, 2x backward)
    (Sit on the ground with your feet on the ground, knees bent, and your palms on the ground resting slightly behind your hips. Lift your pelvis so that your bodyweight is supported on your hands and feet. Walk on your hands and feet with your stomach pointed toward the sky.)
  • 5 x 30/30 Kangaroo Jumps
    (Perform a Half-Squat. From the crounched position, swing your arms and leap forward with both feet. Continue for reps.)
  • 5 x 15/45 Sprints
    (Okay, so this isn't exactly an animal movement. Pretend like you're sprinting for your life away from the Tigers, Bears, Crabs, and Kangaroos you have been imitating.)

Minggu, 29 September 2013

Monday 30 September 2013: TIMED SETS #4

  • 60/60 - 60 seconds work, 60seconds rest
  • 30/60 - 30 seconds work, 30 seconds rest
Repeat two times (2x):
  • 60/60 Pull-ups
    60/60 Sit-ups
    60/60 Push-ups
Repeat two times (2x):
  • 30/60 Pull-ups
  • 30/60 Sit-ups
  • 30/60 Push-ups
Substitutions for Intermediate & Basic Levels:
  • For Pull-ups - Partial or Assisted or Jumping Pull-ups, Body Rows
  • For Sit-ups - Crunches, Leg Levers, Flutter Kicks, other abdominal exercise variations
  • For Push-ups - Knee Push-ups, Dips, other push-up variations

Sabtu, 28 September 2013

Saturday 28 September 2013: RUN FOR DISTANCE


Run for twenty minutes.

Run-walk for twenty minutes.

Powerwalk for twenty minutes.

Kamis, 26 September 2013

Friday 27 September 2013: 5BX

This circuit can be performed virtually anywhere. It requires very little room to complete. When time crunched, try performing a single circuit (10 minutes) for a quick physical and mental boost.

Complete two of the following circuits in twenty minutes.
  • 2 minutes - Sun Salutations
  • 1 minute - Squats
  • 1 minute - Push-ups
  • 1 minute - Sit-ups or Leg Raises
  • 5 minutes - Jump Rope, Jumping Jacks, or Run in Place
Modifications for Intermediate and Basic trainees
  • Perform Half-Squats instead of Squats
  • Perform Knee Push-ups instead of Push-ups
  • Perform Crunches instead of Sit-ups
  • Perform Cardio Exercise 30/30 style (30 sec. work, 30 sec. rest)

Thursday 26 September 2013: SPRINT + JUMP


Complete ten circuits of the following in twenty minutes.

  • Sprint: 15 seconds
  • Tuck Jumps: 5 seconds
    (Perform a squat jump but in midair bring your knees to your chest.)
  • Rest: 100 seconds
  • Sprint: 15 seconds
  • Squat Jumps: 5 seconds
    (Squat until your thighs are parallel to the ground, then jump into the air. Land softly.)
  • Rest: 100 seconds
  • Sprint: 10-15 seconds
  • Half-Squat: 10 seconds
    (Squat until your thighs are almost parallel to the ground.)
  • Rest: 95-100 seconds

Kamis, 12 September 2013

Friday 13 September 2013: 3 POWER CALS

Physical Culture Classics

Repeat the following circuit for twenty minutes.

Advanced - Intermediate:
  • Dive Bomber or Hindu Push-ups
  • Reverse or Hindu Squats
  • Atlas Push-ups
    Atlas Push-ups: Place your hands in the seats of two chairs. With your body held straight, dip yourself between the chairs. This exercise is similar to a countertop push-up, but it stretches and utilizes more of the chest muscles.
  • Yoga Push-ups
    Yoga Push-ups: Transition between Upward Facing Dog and Downward Facing Dog continously while keeping your arms straight (but not locked).
  • Countertop or Atlas Push-ups
Today's exercises can be found in many manuals on physical training. The above arrangement, however, was adapted from Pushing Yourself to Power by John E. Peterson. PYTP is a comprehensive collection of Dynamic Visualized Resistance and Dynamic Self Resistance exercises and includes many Isometric and Power Calisthenic exercises.

Selasa, 10 September 2013

Tuesday 10 September 2013: ANIMAL CONDITIONING


Today's workout mimics various animal movements to facilitate cardio-strength conditioning.
  • 30/30's - 30 seconds work, 30 seconds rest, repeat
  • 15/45's - 15 seconds work, 45 seconds rest, repeat
  • 5 x 30/30 Tiger Prowl (3x forward, 2x backward)
    (Bend forward to walk on your hands and feet as in a Bear Crawl. Bend your arms to ninety degrees and lower your body so that it hovers 3-6 inches above the ground. Walk in this position keeping your body low.)
  • 5 x 30/30 Crab Crawl (3x forward, 2x backward)
    (Sit on the ground with your feet on the ground, knees bent, and your palms on the ground resting slightly behind your hips. Lift your pelvis so that your bodyweight is supported on your hands and feet. Walk on your hands and feet with your stomach pointed toward the sky.)
  • 5 x 30/30 Kangaroo Jumps
    (Perform a Half-Squat. From the crounched position, swing your arms and leap forward with both feet. Continue for reps.)
  • 5 x 15/45 Sprints
    (Okay, so this isn't exactly an animal movement. Pretend like you're sprinting for your life away from the Tigers, Bears, Crabs, and Kangaroos you have been imitating.)
Intermediate and Basic:
  • 5 x 30/30 Bear Crawl (3x forward, 2x backward)
    (Bend forward and walk on your hands and feet.)
  • 5 x 30/30 Crab Crawl (3x forward, 2x backward)
    (Sit on the ground with your feet on the ground, knees bent, and your palms on the ground resting slightly behind your hips. Lift your pelvis so that your bodyweight is supported on your hands and feet. Walk on your hands and feet with your stomach pointed toward the sky.)
  • 5 x 30/30 Kangaroo Jumps
    (Perform a Half-Squat. From the crounched position, swing your arms and leap forward with both feet. Continue for reps.)
  • 5 x 15/45 Sprints
    (Okay, so this isn't exactly an animal movement. Pretend like you're sprinting for your life away from the Tigers, Bears, Crabs, and Kangaroos you have been imitating.)

Wednesday 11 September 2013: PU OTM


Perform a set of push-ups at the top of every minute for twenty minutes.

Intermediate and Basic trainees should substitute knee push-ups as necessary.

Jumat, 06 September 2013

Saturday 7 September 2013: RUN FOR DISTANCE


Run for twenty minutes.

Run-walk for twenty minutes.

Powerwalk for twenty minutes.

Friday 6 September 2013: BP + PULL-UP CHALLENGE


Today's workout involves back-to-back ten minute challenges.

  • Perform as many burpees as possible in ten minutes
  • Perform as many pull-ups as possible in ten minutes
  • Perform as many squat thrusts as possible in ten minutes
  • Perform as many partial, assisted, or jumping pull-ups as possible in ten minutes
  • Perform as many jumping jacks as possible in ten minutes
  • Perform as many body rows as possible in ten minutes

Rabu, 04 September 2013

Thursday 5 September 2013: SPRINT + JUMP


Complete ten circuits of the following in twenty minutes.

  • Sprint: 15 seconds
  • Tuck Jumps: 5 seconds
    (Perform a squat jump but in midair bring your knees to your chest.)
  • Rest: 100 seconds
  • Sprint: 15 seconds
  • Squat Jumps: 5 seconds
    (Squat until your thighs are parallel to the ground, then jump into the air. Land softly.)
  • Rest: 100 seconds
  • Sprint: 10-15 seconds
  • Half-Squat: 10 seconds
    (Squat until your thighs are almost parallel to the ground.)
  • Rest: 95-100 seconds